

豬豬杯子蛋糕 Pig Cupcake

<豬豬杯子蛋糕> Pig Cupcake
(English recipe at the bottom)

老爸訂了隻綠色小豬 是為了選舉還是為了Angry Bird......

 香草杯子蛋糕食譜 Vanilla Cupcake Recipe

糖 80g
蛋 三顆
香草精 1茶匙
檸檬香精 1/4茶匙
麵粉 195g
泡打粉 1 1/2茶匙
鹽 1/4茶匙
牛奶 60g

1. 奶油與糖均勻攪拌 (這時候有力的KitchenAid就派上用場了)
2. 將蛋一顆一顆的加入(1)
3. (2)加入香草精及檸檬香精(或是可以用檸檬皮)
4. (3)加入牛奶和鹽巴
5. 麵粉與泡打粉一起過篩
6. 將(4)與(5)均勻混合後放入預熱的烤箱, 175度C
7. 在175度C 烤約18分鐘

翻糖 100g
綠色色膏 少許
咖啡色色膏 少許

把翻糖和色膏均勻混合, 桿平後慢慢捏出所需要的形狀

Vanilla Cupcake Recipe:
Yields 12 cupcakes

113g Butter
130g Sugar
3 Eggs
1tsp Vanilla extract
1/4tsp Lemon extract
195g Flour
1 1/2tsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Salt
60g Milk

1. Use KitchenAid Paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy.
2. Add eggs, vanilla extract and lemon extract, beat until combined
3. Add milk to the wet mix (2)
4. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together then fold into the wet mix
5. Preheat oven 175 Celsius and bake for approx 18 mins

Garnish with Fondant