上禮拜天考仕酒師考試 WSET 第二級...當天也有上烈酒
烈酒: Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Brandy, Whiskey.....etc
酒精味好重 = = 真不知道以前怎麼把這些酒吞下去的
(歲月催人老, 現在聞到烈酒味就頭昏了)
剩下一點的Bailey's 我帶回家做冰淇淋了!! 哈哈
上次有做過 香草冰淇淋, 這兩個食譜非常類似~ 但加Bailey's的冰淇淋比較軟
牛奶 288g
鮮奶油 225g
香草莢 1/2根
蛋 1顆
蛋黃 3顆
糖 110g
香草精 1tsp
Bailey's 63g
Bailey's Ice Cream Recipe:
Milk 288g
Cream 225g
Vanilla Bean Pod 1/2
Whole egg 1ea
Egg yolks 3ea
Sugar 110g
Vanilla Extract 1tsp
Bailey's 63g
How to make Bailey's Ice cream?
1. 把牛奶和鮮奶油混一起, 放入一個鍋子裡面
Mix milk and cream together, put it into a pot
2. 刮出香草籽
Scrape out vanilla seeds with the back of your knife
3. 把香草籽還有香草莢一起放入鍋子裡麵煮約10分鐘 (去除水分)
Boil milk and cream mixture with the vanilla seeds and the bean pod for about 10 mins to strip out excess water and keep stirring to avoid it getting burnt.
4. 在這中間把蛋, 蛋黃, 還有糖一起打到偏淡黃色
Use another bowl, whip egg, egg yolks and sugar together until it's light yellow and fluffy
5. 然後把鮮奶和蛋黃一起混合, 冰到冰箱裡面
Mix the cream and eggs mixtures together and put it into the fridge to cool down.
6. 隔天拿出冰淇淋機, 夾出香草莢後把整個倒進去以後轉轉轉
Take out the vanilla bean pod and pour the mixture into the ice cream machine. Turn it on~

7. 加入Bailey's 奶酒還有香草精
Add Bailey's and vanilla extract
Add Bailey's and vanilla extract
8. 約20分鐘後就完成囉~~
Turn the ice cream machine on for about 20 mins and.....
Voila~ there's a delicious ice cream right in front of you!