

松露百菇水波蛋 Stirfry mushrooms w/ poached egg

Watch that egg yolk ooooze out.....omg, heaven!

水波蛋心好軟, 用刀一切, 流心便緩緩流出融入菇群中; 它, 征服了我對美食的慾望.

(English recipe at the bottom)

五種菇類 (香菇, 金針菇, 猴頭菇, 舞菇, 牛肝蕈)
奶油 10g
鹽巴 5g
胡椒 少許


義大利香芹 (帕西里) 兩根 2 twigs

 1. 首先將牛肝蕈泡水, 讓它軟化出味

2. 將義大利香芹切碎 (留一片漂亮的葉子裝飾)

3. 切奶油~ 我慣用 ISIGNY 法國諾曼地奶油 品質好又香


蛋一顆, 鹽巴少許, 醋一湯匙

1. 首先準備蛋一顆, 用濾網大的濾勺去除稀蛋白  (蛋由內到外的組成是蛋黃, 蛋臍(濃蛋白扭轉而成的), 濃蛋白, 稀蛋白)
* 品質越好的蛋越立體, 稀蛋白越少

雞蛋品質圖: (左上最好)
interior quality of broken out eggs, from the usda egg-grading manual
2. 好啦, 介紹完蛋的品質, 也用濾網去了稀蛋白. 
    把剩下的蛋放到碗裡面, 滾一鍋熱水
    熱水滾了以後加一搓鹽巴還有一湯匙的醋 (鹽巴入味, 醋幫助蛋白凝結)

3. 緩緩把蛋放入滾水中, 用湯匙輕輕把蛋推一下, 不要黏鍋底

4. 拿出來後, 摸摸看中心是否軟軟的, 如果硬硬的表示煮過頭了

*泡涼水, 不要讓它的餘溫把蛋黃煮熟了


1.來準備炒香菇了, 把奶油放入鍋內融化

  2. 把菇類依大小放入鍋內炒, 大的先炒, 加點鹽巴幫助出水及入味.  加點現磨胡椒

3. 拿出我的秘密武器: 松露油  加兩三滴提味

 4. 擺盤了~~

5. 上面灑上義大利香芹


Stirfry mushrooms w/ poached egg

5 kinds of mushrooms (shitake, oyster, cepe...etc)
10g Butter
Salt and Pepper

1 egg
Salt and vinegar

How to make poached egg?
1. Use a sieve to get rid of the loose egg whites.

2. Boil a pot of water and add salt and vinegar to it, then slowly drop in the egg.

3. After three minutes, the egg will start to look like this. You can take it out and feel it. Egg white should feel solid and egg yolk should feel soft. Don't wait until when it feels hard...that's when you've over boiled it...

4. When it's ready, take it out and put it in a bowl of cold water to prevent it keep on cooking. Your poached egg is ready!

Stir fry the mushrooms:

1. Heat pan and melt butter (I used ISIGNY french butter)

2. Add the mushrooms according to size, big ones go in first

3. Add my secret weapon, TRUFFLE OIL!

4. Get ready for plating

5. Sprinkle some parsley on top

Combine the mushrooms and poached egg, Ready to serve!

Oh, and it looks good without the poached egg too!