


聖誕快樂 布朗尼一口咬 Merry Xmas! One Bite Brownies

聖誕節快樂 布朗尼一口咬 Merry Xmas! One Bite Brownies~
(English Recipe at the bottom of the page)

布朗尼食譜 Brownies Recipe:
巧克力 150g
奶油 113g
可可粉 30g
糖 200g
香草精 1茶匙
蛋 3顆
麵粉 95g
鹽巴 1/4 茶匙
耐烤可可豆 125g

大小: 八吋方模

1. 巧克力與奶油一起溶化後與可可粉混合
2. 加入糖與香草精
3. 加入打散的蛋液
4. 將麵粉與鹽巴加入 充分混合後加入耐烤可可豆
5. 預熱烤箱 180度C 烤約25-30分鐘
6. 取出 放涼後用一吋圓模切出所需大小

奶油乳酪 100g
鮮奶油 100g
香草精 1茶匙
橘花水 1茶匙

1. 將上述所有材料混合
2. 裝入擠花袋


Brownies Recipe:
150g Chocolate
113g Butter
30g Cocoa Powder
200g Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Extract
3 eggs
95g Flour
1/4 tsp Salt
125g Chocolate chips

Fits 8" square mold

1. Melt chocolate and butter together
2. Stir in cocoa powder and add sugar
3. Whisk in Vanilla extract and Eggs
4. Fold in flour, salt
5. Once all ingredients are all combined, add chocolate chips
6. Preheat oven at 180 Celsius, line square mold with parchment paper, bake 25-30 minutes
7. Use a round 1" mold to cut out brownies

Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe
100g Cream Cheese
100g Heavy Cream
1tsp Vanilla Extract
1tsp Orange blossom water

1. Combine all ingredients together in KitchenAid Paddle attachment
2. Use a small piping tip to decorate


聖誕節杯子蛋糕 Christmas Cupcakes


<聖誕節杯子蛋糕 Christmas Cupcakes>
(English recipe at the bottom)


做了三種不同口味的杯子蛋糕呢 (巧克力, 紅絲綢, 香草)

有用翻糖裝飾的 還有用奶油起司裝飾. 紅配綠~~叮叮噹 叮叮噹

Merry Xmas!

巧克力杯子蛋糕 食譜 Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

無糖巧克力粉 50g
熱水 240g
麵粉 175g
小蘇打粉 兩茶匙
鹽巴 1/4 茶匙
奶油 113g
糖 200g
蛋 兩顆
香草精 2 茶匙

1. 巧克力粉用熱水融化後放旁邊
2. 麵粉與小蘇打粉一起過篩
3. 奶油用KitchenAid 攪拌器 Paddle attachment 打到鬆軟後加入糖, 再依序加入蛋 (一顆一顆慢慢來)與香草精, 鹽巴
4. 將巧克力水(3)加入攪拌器中打到全部融合
5. 拌入(2)麵粉, 放入折緣烤杯內
6. 預熱烤箱190度C, 烤約16-20分鐘直到中心不黏
7. 杯子蛋糕冷卻後就可以裝飾了

Chocolate Cupcake Recipe
Yields: 14 Cupcakes

50g Cocoa powder
240g Hot water
175g Flour
2tsp Baking Powder
1/2tsp Salt
113g Butter
100g Sugar
2 Eggs
2tsp Vanilla extract

1. Melt cocoa powder in hot water
2. Sift Flour, baking powder and salt together
3. Beat butter and sugar together in electrical mixer
4. Add eggs into the mixer along with vanilla extracts
5. Add cocoa water (1) into wet mix (4)
6. Fold in the Flour, baking powder and salt  dry mix
7. Fill cupcakes cups to about half
8. Preheat oven 190 Celsius, bake 16-20 mins


豬豬杯子蛋糕 Pig Cupcake

<豬豬杯子蛋糕> Pig Cupcake
(English recipe at the bottom)

老爸訂了隻綠色小豬 是為了選舉還是為了Angry Bird......

 香草杯子蛋糕食譜 Vanilla Cupcake Recipe

糖 80g
蛋 三顆
香草精 1茶匙
檸檬香精 1/4茶匙
麵粉 195g
泡打粉 1 1/2茶匙
鹽 1/4茶匙
牛奶 60g

1. 奶油與糖均勻攪拌 (這時候有力的KitchenAid就派上用場了)
2. 將蛋一顆一顆的加入(1)
3. (2)加入香草精及檸檬香精(或是可以用檸檬皮)
4. (3)加入牛奶和鹽巴
5. 麵粉與泡打粉一起過篩
6. 將(4)與(5)均勻混合後放入預熱的烤箱, 175度C
7. 在175度C 烤約18分鐘

翻糖 100g
綠色色膏 少許
咖啡色色膏 少許

把翻糖和色膏均勻混合, 桿平後慢慢捏出所需要的形狀

Vanilla Cupcake Recipe:
Yields 12 cupcakes

113g Butter
130g Sugar
3 Eggs
1tsp Vanilla extract
1/4tsp Lemon extract
195g Flour
1 1/2tsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Salt
60g Milk

1. Use KitchenAid Paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy.
2. Add eggs, vanilla extract and lemon extract, beat until combined
3. Add milk to the wet mix (2)
4. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together then fold into the wet mix
5. Preheat oven 175 Celsius and bake for approx 18 mins

Garnish with Fondant



Ispahan Macaron Cake

覆盆莓, 玫瑰與荔枝的完美結合, 又是一個 Pierre Herme 的傑作

照食譜一步一步慢慢做, 你也可以歐

請參考 Pierre Herme 的書



[周老師 手創餅乾101道試做] 65. 可可臻果脆餅乾 Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti

周老師的原本是用可可與杏仁做的脆餅, 我改了一下, 做成可可臻果脆餅乾.

下次會再加進可可碎片, 肯定更好吃!

[周老師 手創餅乾101道試做] 64. 香草橘皮杏仁脆餅 Vanilla Orange Zest Biscotti

周老師的手創餅乾原本是只有香草與杏仁, 我另外加了新鮮的橘皮提味. 橘皮好香好香阿~


[周老師 手創餅乾101道試做] 63. 開心果蔓越莓脆餅 Pistachio Cranberry Biscotti

周老師出新書了! 這次有試做單元在大境文化部落格

趁著年假休九天, 來烤些小餅乾 "以備不時之需".

周老師的食譜和我平常做的不太一樣, 少了橄欖油吃起來比較硬. 我做了變化版: 開心果蔓越莓脆餅. Pistachio cranberry biscotti!

Angry bird cheese

Can't have enough of Angry Bird? Make one out of a Babybell cheese!

Summer Sandwich

Summer open faced sandwich

Wheat bread spread with sour cream, topped with cucumbers, tomatoes and a sprinkle of herbs de provence. This makes a wonderful meal.