

布朗尼巧克力球 Brownie Balls

Brownies? Make them into chocolate balls!

<布朗尼變化版>  How to deal with overnight brownies...

(English recipe at the bottom)

我是隻歪嘴雞, 但家裡有個嘴更歪的弟弟. 

他不吃隔餐的食物...我的布朗尼就此被打入冷宮...(才一天耶,  冤枉阿大人)

我擔心身後的ㄆㄨㄣ桶越來越重, 想個法子....把布朗尼....動個手腳變成一口size巧克力蛋糕.
(據說, 生前沒吃完的食物會累積在一個ㄆㄨㄣ桶內...在入地獄/天堂前要把它全部吃完...omg omg....)

放涼的布朗尼 Overnight/cooled Brownies 500g           (布朗尼食譜 Brownies Recipe)
黑巧克力 Dark Chocolate 100g              (我用法芙娜黑巧克力 70%, Valrhona Dark 70%)
奶油乳酪 Cream Cheese 100g
白巧克力 White Chocolate 250g

1. 首先先將布朗尼 (約500g) 用食物處理機 (Food Processor) 打成碎片, 加入巧克力 (約100g), 奶油乳酪 Cream Cheese (100g) 

2. 將所有東西混合好, 用冰淇淋匙挖出一球球 (或用手揉)

3. 將白巧克力溶化, 可做兩種裝飾
    第一種是把巧克力球放入白巧克力中, 用湯匙撈出後在silpat上冷卻

4. 用漂亮的盒子裝起來 騙弟弟是新買來的 哇哈哈

How to deal with leftover brownies?

Make them into chocolate cake balls, a party food that makes you go for a bite/ball after another...

English Recipe:

Leftover Brownies  500g
Dark Chocolate 100g (I use Valrhona Dark 70%)
Cream Cheese 100g
White Chocolate 250g

1. Use a food processor, pulse the leftover brownies into pieces

2. Add dark chocolate (melted) and cream cheese to the bowl and mix with leftover brownie pieces

3. Scoop out the mixed batter with an ice cream scoop and roll into balls with your palms. Place on silpat.

4. Melt white chocolate and dip the chocolate balls inside, take it out with a spoon.

5. or you can use a small piping bag and decorate the chocolate balls in stripes

6. Leave it to dry for 30 mins.

7. Voila~ box 'em up