自從去了巴黎, 就愛上了開心果. 濃濃的堅果味征服了我. 它是一個台灣沒有的口味. 曾經有那一段時間一直尋找開心果的甜食, 開心果冰淇淋, 馬卡龍, 金融家, 泡芙, 蛋糕, 塔....等等. 最後在離開巴黎時還帶了一罐一公斤的開心果醬回台灣.
也許你會說, 去巴黎不帶LV包, 卻帶開心果醬回來 真是個傻瓜.
傻傻的聞著這香氣, 思念著那些在巴黎的時光.

To me, pistachio is like the flavor of Paris. It was where I started having all these pistachio flavored sweets: financier, ice cream, choux pastry, tart, cakes....and macarons of course. Hey, they didn't have pistachio desserts in Taiwan. So, instead of bringing back Louis Vuitton handbags and shoes from Paris, I brought a can of pistachio paste back with me. Yes it was heavy, but it's worth all the money.
Whenever I open up that can, the aromas bring my memories back to the old times in Paris...
Few days ago, I had a few egg whites left and I flipped through my Pierre Herme Macaron cookbook and made this lovely pistachio macaron.... it tastes SO good that I regret I only brought a can of pistachio paste back with me! ...nom nom nom...
Here's how I made it:
from Pierre Herme's Macaron book:
Pierre Herme 食譜, 恕不公開
1. 把杏仁粉, 糖粉一起過篩, 加入已調色的蛋白
sift almond meal and caster sugar together,
add colored egg whites to the bowl
sift almond meal and caster sugar together,
add colored egg whites to the bowl
2. 加入義大利蛋白霜
add italian meringue
add italian meringue
3. 攪拌均勻
4. 烤至成型
pipe and bake
5. 夾入夾心
fill in the ganache
6. 請享用
bon appetit!