

花椒煎南瓜 [Sautéed pumpkin crusted with Sichuan peppercorns]



Made from granny's pumpkins 
[Sautéed pumpkin crusted with Sichuan peppercorns]

Granny plants all kinds of veggies in the suburbs....and she sent me some pumpkins she planted. Here's a Fat one that's a size of a football.

Scrape out the seeds and strings then cut them into strips..

Olive oil                   2 tbsp
Sichuan Peppercorn  1tbsp
Pumpkin                  1/4ea cut into strips

Salt and pepper to season

橄欖油        兩大匙
花椒粒        一大匙
南瓜           1/4個切成條狀
鹽巴 胡椒    少許

Steps to a delicious appetizer 做法很簡單:
1. Heat a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil
鍋子加熱, 倒油

2. Then add Sichuan peppercorns and sizzle them in the oil for 5 mins or when you smell the lovely aroma.
油熱了以後加入花椒粒, 取花椒油

3. Add your pumpkin stips to the pan and sautée for 3 mins until your knife can easily pierce through. Sprinkle salt and pepper before serving. 
Oh, btw serve WARM~
用花椒油煎南瓜片 約三分鐘後就可以灑鹽巴加胡椒粉上桌了~~ 溫溫熱熱的南瓜最好吃了