English version at the bottom :)
7/13 13號星期五有辦一場餐會, 因場地沒有適合的器具放冰淇淋球....我靈機一動用雲吞皮做冰淇淋杯~~薑薑薑薑
冰淇淋軟綿, 雲吞皮輕脆 兩個是絕配~~
雲吞皮 六片
融化奶油 15g
1. 首先把烤箱預熱到175度C
2. 把雲吞皮從冰箱拿出來回溫一下 (我平常放冷凍)
3. 把融化的奶油刷在雲吞皮上面, 塞進馬芬模的模子,
4. 放進175度C的烤箱烤約5-8分鐘, 餅皮邊緣稍微上色後關烤箱電源, 悶5分鐘後取出 放涼
6. 如果沒有馬上吃, 要收到保鮮盒裡面 蓋上蓋子以防受潮~~~
Bon Appetit!
香草冰淇淋的食譜在這: Vanilla Ice Cream!
還有奶酒冰淇淋的食譜: Bailey's Ice Cream!
I got creative and made an ice cream cone out of a piece of wonton sheet.
Wonton sheets are pretty easy to find in Chinese or Asian markets and they are CHEAP in comparison to those 50 cents ice cream cones that smells like plastic.
Here's how easy it is.
Get wonton sheets, melted butter, a muffin pan and a pastry bush
these 4 things would do the trick
1. preheat your oven to 175 C or 375 F
2. brush melted butter on your wonton sheets and fold them into your muffin pan
3. bake for 5-8mins
4. And THAT'S IT! Time for Ice cream!!
5. they're great to nibble on too...nom nom...