

聖誕節杯子蛋糕 Christmas Cupcakes


<聖誕節杯子蛋糕 Christmas Cupcakes>
(English recipe at the bottom)


做了三種不同口味的杯子蛋糕呢 (巧克力, 紅絲綢, 香草)

有用翻糖裝飾的 還有用奶油起司裝飾. 紅配綠~~叮叮噹 叮叮噹

Merry Xmas!

巧克力杯子蛋糕 食譜 Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

無糖巧克力粉 50g
熱水 240g
麵粉 175g
小蘇打粉 兩茶匙
鹽巴 1/4 茶匙
奶油 113g
糖 200g
蛋 兩顆
香草精 2 茶匙

1. 巧克力粉用熱水融化後放旁邊
2. 麵粉與小蘇打粉一起過篩
3. 奶油用KitchenAid 攪拌器 Paddle attachment 打到鬆軟後加入糖, 再依序加入蛋 (一顆一顆慢慢來)與香草精, 鹽巴
4. 將巧克力水(3)加入攪拌器中打到全部融合
5. 拌入(2)麵粉, 放入折緣烤杯內
6. 預熱烤箱190度C, 烤約16-20分鐘直到中心不黏
7. 杯子蛋糕冷卻後就可以裝飾了

Chocolate Cupcake Recipe
Yields: 14 Cupcakes

50g Cocoa powder
240g Hot water
175g Flour
2tsp Baking Powder
1/2tsp Salt
113g Butter
100g Sugar
2 Eggs
2tsp Vanilla extract

1. Melt cocoa powder in hot water
2. Sift Flour, baking powder and salt together
3. Beat butter and sugar together in electrical mixer
4. Add eggs into the mixer along with vanilla extracts
5. Add cocoa water (1) into wet mix (4)
6. Fold in the Flour, baking powder and salt  dry mix
7. Fill cupcakes cups to about half
8. Preheat oven 190 Celsius, bake 16-20 mins