

愛心棒棒棉花糖 Marshmallow Lollipop

Adapted from Martha Stewart's Marshmallow recipe


料理植物油 (我用溶化的奶油)
糖 兩杯 約400g
玉米糖漿 1大匙約15g
水 3/4 杯+3/4杯
吉利丁粉 28g
薄荷香精 3/4茶匙 (我用橙花水, 也可省略)
蛋白 兩顆
紅色色素 2茶匙

1. 將八吋方模抹上溶化的奶油, 裁一張大小剛好的烤盤紙, 放入模子內, 也抹上奶油
2. 把糖, 玉米糖漿及水放入鍋子內煮到127度C (或260度F)
3. 把吉利丁粉與另一杯3/4杯的水加熱,攪拌到溶化 (通常我都用飲水機的熱水, 速度比較快)
4. 將蛋白放入到攪拌機內 (KitchenAid Whisk attachment) 打到濕性發泡
5. 把 (2)+(3) 糖漿與吉利丁水混合
6. 攪拌機轉到低速, 把(5)緩緩倒入, 全部倒入後把攪拌機轉到高速, 打約12-15分鐘
7. 攪到白色絲綢狀倒入之前準備好的方模裡面
8. 在上面滴紅色色素, 用牙籤快速拉線就會形成美麗的線條
9. 放置3小時, 用沾過油的刀子切開
10. 用愛心餅乾模切出愛心形狀
11. 串在棒棒糖的棒子上


  • Vegetable-oil cooking spray
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light corn syrup
  • 4 packages (1/4 ounce each) unflavored gelatin
  • 3/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 2 teaspoons red food coloring


  1. Coat an 8-inch square pan with cooking spray; line bottom with parchment paper. Coat the parchment with cooking spray, and set pan aside. Put sugar, corn syrup, and 3/4 cup water in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until sugar is dissolved. Stop stirring; let mixture come to a boil. Raise heat to medium-high; cook until mixture registers 260 degrees on a candy thermometer.
  2. Meanwhile, sprinkle gelatin over 3/4 cup water in a heatproof bowl; let stand 5 minutes to soften. Set the bowl with the gelatin mixture over a pan of simmering water; whisk constantly until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat, and stir in extract; set aside.
  3. Beat egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment until stiff (but not dry) peaks form. Whisk gelatin mixture into sugar mixture; with mixer running, gradually add to egg whites. Mix on high speed until very thick, 12 to 15 minutes.
  4. Pour mixture into lined pan. Working quickly, drop dots of red food coloring across surface of marshmallow. Using a toothpick, swirl food coloring into marshmallow to create a marbleized effect. Let marshmallow stand, uncovered, at room temperature until firm, at least 3 hours or overnight. Cut into squares.