Today's one of those special days that I make lunch meals...other days I make desserts and breads. Why? Because I'm a sweet tooth! Haha.
I kicked off by pan searing the steak, stick it into a preheated oven at 175 Celsius for 10-12 mins. Meanwhile, boil a pot of water to blanch the cauliflowers.
Use the steak pan, add in tomatoes, some sun dried tomatoes, tomato sauce and some herbs.
Oh, don't forget to season it with some salt and pepper!
平日都是烤蛋糕, 餅乾, 麵包....今天換個口味: 做愛心午餐給老爸
[今日午餐] 嫩煎牛排配上迷迭香番茄和燙白花椰菜
牛排食譜在這邊: 牛排101
兩顆牛番茄, 切成1/6大小
番茄濃醬 (是Tomato Sauce, 不是 Ketchup) 一大匙
番茄乾 1匙
義大利香料 一小匙.
鹽巴 少許
迷迭香 一撮
1. 用煎牛排的鍋子煎番茄, 半熟後加入番茄濃醬拌炒
2. 加入番茄乾與義大利香料
3. 鹽巴少許
4. 切點迷迭香加入鍋子裡
5. 裝盤